
Showing posts from May, 2017

Why I purchased a Tronxy X3

When I decided to get a 3D printer I found there were so many different ones to choose from.  Orignal Prusa... Makerbots, Ultimaker etc...  and HUGE price ranges, from 150$ to well... really expensive.  I read so many comparison guides and opinions about printers and what beginners should and shouldn't do.  What was crap and what was not....  It seriously felt like the PC Apple wars of the 80's to me (Oh crap I just dated myself). So after all of that, I settled on a Tronxy X3,  warts and all I still think it was a good purchase... for me.  It might not be a good one for you, there are some things you need to consider first. There is a reason why this printer is only 200$ To put it bluntly, it's a cheap Chinese product that really could have used some more... thought in certain areas.  Yes, there are MUCH better printers out there... but they cost a MUCH better price. Here are the Cons to this printer as I know them 7 weeks a...

So I got this 3D printer and I wanted to relate my experience, so I created this blog.

So I purchased a 3D printer 7 weeks ago, a Tronxy X3 at Gearbest  and all things considered it's been an overall good experience. Now that I understand it and have tinkered with it I am printing parts quite well now. I have had to overcome quite a few issues that seem common with this printer.  I am going to use this blog to describe how I overcame them in an effort to help others.