Tronxy X3 Melzi 2.0 to Ramps 1.4 Upgrade

So a while back I was printing a rather large part, specifically my version of the bed support for this thing. While printing this 5 hour part, around the 4th hour the stepper started skipping... then it got worse and worse the MOSFET heated up and the board burnt out. Because Tronxy was CHEAP they put the MOSFET directly on the controller board so they can't be replaced. So the Melzi board died... I looked online and the cheapest I could find was for about 35$,  not cool man, not cool.  So I started looking for alternatives and the most common fix for The Tronxy X3 was a Ramps 1.4 replacement.  I found one on eBay for about 45$ and they could ship it fast here is a link to the one I bought.

Here is an image of all that came with it...  pretty sweet deal came with everything I need plus the LED Smart Controller and 3 end stop switches.

I just needed to burn the EEPROM I decided to stick with Repetier-Server and then ... about 3 to 4 days getting the settings correct I am making beautiful prints.

Anyone wanting details on this comment here and I will see what I can do.


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